Very nice and easy recipe also known as "Marta's eggs" in honor of the Master of this dish ;)
Preparation time: 30 minutesDifficulty: easy
4 eggs
1 tuna can (If you don't want to eat tune, you can substitute it for some spinachs)
1 small fried tomato carton
1 small fried tomato carton
If you prefer a home-made mayonnaise you will need:
- 1/2 Lemon
- 1 Egg
- Sunflower oil or Olive oil (the softer you have)
- Vinegar (optional)
- Salt
1. Boil the eggs for 10minutes in a pot with water. After that, remove them and put them under cold water.
2. When the eggs are cold remove the shell and cut it in two pieces (vertically)
3. Remove the yolks and let them in a bowl.
4. Put half of the yolks in a bowl with the tuna and some fried tomato and smash it all until it becomes a mass.
5. Put the whites in a dish and in the hole add the mixture you have prepared with the yolks, tuna and tomato.
6. To prepare the mayonnaise: put in a mixer an egg, some sunflower oil, the juice of half lemon (be careful not to drop the stones in the mixer) and salt (if you want, you can add a bit of vinegar). Mix it and taste it. If it is very liquid add more oil until it gets the right texture and also depending on how it taste you can add more salt or lemon.
7. Put mayonnaise on top of every egg.
8. Also on top of every egg, grate the other yolks you have kept in the bowl.
8. Also on top of every egg, grate the other yolks you have kept in the bowl.
9. Put some letucce around the eggs.